We’ve tried to answer any questions you might have below however, If you aren't able to find the information you need, please contact our team on help@iloveit.com who will get back to you. 

ili FAQs

Can anyone join ili?

Absolutely We're a platform for everyone. If you want to shop, share and earn from the things you love, ili is the place for you. See our website for further information about what we do. If you have any further questions, contact us on help@iloveit.com 

How do I become a Creator on ili?

In the app, click on the ili+ icon which will take you through the various stages of registering as a Creator. There, you'll have access to a  dashboard to track everything you need to share the things you genuinely love and build your shoppable storefront.  If you have any questions, please contact us at help@iloveit.com 

How do I become a Brand on ilii?

If you’re a brand - we'd love to hear from you. Please use the contact form on our website or alternatively drop us an email at hello@iloveit.com  and one of the team will be in touch to chat further. 

Is the ili app free to use?

Completely free to join and use. If you find something you love and want to buy it, then this is when you’ll have to reach into your pocket.

Can I make money on ili?

That's the aim of the game. Once you have curated a highly engaged profile with high-quality shoppable content you can begin earning commission. If you would like to know more about the commission structure for sharers/creators, please contact help@iloveit.com

Is ili an affiliate?

We're a marketplace on a mission to democratise wealth.

Where is ili based?

We're proud of our Nordic roots, but ili is headquartered in London and available to the UK market for now.

How does the ili algorithm work?

It's magic but it's nothing without you. Your engagement with our app will allow it to understand you and serve you the things you will really love.

Can I  link my ili profile on other social media platforms?

Yes you can and we encourage you at the registration part of the journey to add your Instagram and TikTok accounts to your profile. All we ask is that you don't promote any content you have been paid to promote from another platform into ili. Please refer to the  Creator terms and conditions on our website and in the app.

I am a Creator / Sharer and need further support.

Please contact our Customer Service team at help@iloveit.com who will be able to put you in touch with a member of our Creator team to help. 

I am a Brand and need further support.

Please contact our Customer Service team at help@iloveit.com  who will be able to put you in touch with a member of our Brand team to help. 

I have a question regarding your legal terms and conditions.

Please contact us at help@iloveit.com  and a member of the team will provide any clarification you need.

I have a general question I would like to ask ili.

Please contact us at help@iloveit.com and a member of the team will be able to help you.